Read-only fields in rtSurvey allow you to display information that cannot be edited by the respondent. This feature is particularly useful for showing pre-filled data, calculated results, or information that should remain constant throughout the survey.

Basic Usage

To make a field read-only, use the read_only column in your XLSForm:

  | type    | name | label                 | read_only | default |
| integer | num  | Patient number is:    | yes       | 5       |

In this example, the patient number is set to 5 and cannot be changed by the respondent.

Combining Read-only with Default Values

Read-only fields are often used in conjunction with default values to display pre-determined or calculated information:

  | type    | name     | label               | read_only | default        |
| text    | username | Logged in user:     | yes       | ${current_user}|
| date    | today    | Today's date:       | yes       | today()        |

Here, the username and current date are displayed but cannot be edited.

rtSurvey-Specific Features

Conditional Read-only

rtSurvey extends the read-only functionality with conditional logic:

  | type    | name     | label           | read_only                |
| integer | age      | Age:            | ${role} = 'viewer'       |
| text    | comments | Comments:       | selected(${status}, 'closed') |

In these examples:

  • The ‘age’ field is read-only only if the user’s role is ‘viewer’.
  • The ‘comments’ field becomes read-only if the status is ‘closed’.

Dynamic Read-only Status

rtSurvey allows you to change the read-only status dynamically:

  | type      | name     | label    | read_only              |
|-----------|----------|----------| ----------------------|
| text      | address  | Address: | ${edit_mode} = 'false' |

This allows you to switch between editable and read-only modes based on certain conditions or user actions.

Best Practices for Using Read-only Fields

  1. Clarity: Clearly indicate which fields are read-only through visual cues or labels.
  2. Consistency: Use read-only fields consistently throughout your survey.
  3. Validation: Even though read-only fields can’t be edited, include them in your data validation process.
  4. Performance: Be cautious with complex calculations in read-only fields, as they may impact form loading time.
  5. Accessibility: Ensure read-only fields are properly marked for screen readers.

Advanced Techniques

Calculated Read-only Fields

Use read-only fields to display calculations based on other responses:

  | type      | name     | label           | read_only | calculation            |
| calculate | bmi      | BMI:            | yes       | ${weight} / (${height} * ${height}) |

Displaying Historical Data

Read-only fields can display data from previous surveys or external sources:

  | type    | name           | label                  | read_only | default                    |
| text    | last_visit_date| Date of last visit:    | yes       | ${pulldata('visits', 'date', 'id', ${patient_id})} |

Data Management Considerations

  • Read-only fields are included in data exports, typically with a flag indicating their read-only status.
  • When updating existing records, read-only fields preserve their original values unless explicitly overwritten through the backend.

Mobile App Behavior

  • The rtSurvey mobile app respects read-only settings, including conditional read-only logic.
  • Offline mode fully supports read-only functionality, including dynamic and calculated read-only fields.

Known Limitations

  • Some complex dynamic read-only conditions may have a slight performance impact on low-end devices.
  • Read-only fields may not prevent all forms of data manipulation in exported data files, so server-side validation is recommended for critical data.

Troubleshooting Read-only Fields

  1. Field Unexpectedly Editable: Check for syntax errors in the read_only column or conditional logic.
  2. Calculated Values Not Updating: Verify the calculation logic and ensure all referenced fields are correctly named.
  3. Performance Issues: Optimize complex calculations or consider alternative approaches for displaying read-only data.
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